How To Avoid Antibiotic Resistance

antibiotics for dogs and cats

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of pets that suffer from antibiotic resistance. This development is quite worrisome to pet owners, as it makes it harder to treat certain infections and could even lead to death.

antibiotics for dogs and cats

What is antibiotic resistance?

what is Antibiotics resistance

Antibiotic resistance occurs when certain bacteria become resistant to drugs designed to kill them. This means that despite consuming antibiotics for dogs and cats, these bacteria continue to grow in them and also cause harm to their health.

Antibiotics are designed to stop the infection and save lives. However, when antibiotic resistance occurs, these drugs are not able to kill the bacteria, which may continue to spread to the environment, other pets, and even to you as a pet owner. And that is why antibiotics for dogs and cats must be used responsibly.

Tips to avoid antibiotic resistance in pets 

There are so many ways to avoid antibiotic resistance in pets, and some of them include:

  • Identify the bacteria type first: The first step to take when you notice that your pet is suffering from bacterial infection is going to your vet clinic for a detailed sample test. Your vet will know the right pet prescription medication online to give to your canine friend based on the test result. He or she can also advise you on how to prevent common infections through healthy hygiene, proper nutrition, pet care, and vaccination.
  • Use antibiotics when needed only:Avoid giving antibiotics to your canine or feline friend at any time. It is your responsibility to ensure that antibiotics for pets are administered to your four-legged friend correctly and only when necessary.
  • Safely store antibiotics for pets: After using the medication, it is vital that you store them safely and keep out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Give the described dose: To avoid antibiotic resistance, you must follow the direction of your vet. Always keep in mind that underdosing or overdosing can reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and even when your pet seems okay, stopping the drug use prematurely might lead to bacterial resistance.
  • Dispose of leftover products: In addition, it is also vital to avoid the use of leftover products before taking your pets to a vet clinic for a test. Instead, unused products must be appropriately disposed of. Do not attempt to flush them.
  • Do not use antibiotics for viral infections: Remember that antibiotics for dogs and cats can only be used in treating bacterial infections; pet owners must avoid using them for viral infections.

What to do when your pet is diagnosed with antibiotic-resistant infections

  • Ensure a second test is conducted before giving the appropriate medication to your pets.
  • Note that antibiotic resistance infections take longer to treat
  • Seek the advice of your vet on how to prevent the spread of the infection from pets to humans and other animals.
  • Wash your hands properly after taking care of your canine friend.


Finally, one of the greatest threats to pet health is antibiotic resistance, which is why as a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that antibiotics for dogs and cats are used correctly and only when necessary. One of the best online stores to buy the best antibiotics for your pets is Pet Guardians. Known as a one-stop-shop for pet prescriptions online, Pet Guardians delivers pet medication right to your door with ease. Click here to get started with Pet Guardians.